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Everything is not Java

When we think about a way to create something that will run in every equipment we think of JVM. In this case, as programmers we tend to seek for something that will run in everything and in the easiest way.  The problem of this solution is that  the limitations of Java tend to be  useful for some basic problems but not for a compiler.  Why is that? A compiler is a machine that can change many things inside the computer. This means that what we are creating is a bridge between the computer and the human language that we are using.  This bridge tends to have many characteristics that depend on the use that we are gonna give it to.  One of the main characteristics of this bridge is imthat we can choose between the numbers that the computer will have  to understand such as hexa, binary or even octal. These points are important to mention due to the fact that we will need to understand what we are doing and how much presition  we need to have. ...
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Do I need to download an app for that?

Nowadays people tend to be more connected to internet due to the development of technologies, such as smartphones and tablets. In this case what we tend to notice is that people need these kind of things to do their everyday activities, but there is a point where the user needs to think: do i really need this app that will use my memory or could I live accessing it through my web browser? In this case the answer we could get could be divided into two groups: the ones that download any app they need and just use it for the day and keep it forever, and the group who access the website. In any of those cases we need to consider any case that these groups answer to. As we have seen in many other clases yo create an app is kind of easy with nowadays technology, where the same programming language can be used to create an app for iOS and Android. But in the case  of a website or a webapp we tend to think just inside a  box of what we can do with this kind of technology. What I mea...

Outside the realm of emoticons, parentheses always come in pairs.

As far as we have been taught, there are many ways to make a computer understand us. Depending on those, there might be a little easier or harder for us to understand it. A clear example of that was the first time we saw a SIF language, clojure. In this case, and as not a very good programmer it was kind of hard to really understand what we were doing due to the fact that parentheses separate our elements and the order of elements really care. I mean, when we program, sometime we forget that something will process it and how we think about it will define how long it will take and what answer will give, just when we get the correct answer we are happy. That case is not the ideal one because we tend to look for answers and not to really understand what we are doing. In  the case of SIF, I personally think that we need first to understand what we are doing before proceeding.  This is due to the fact that we are not used to think like that,  first the simbol, then the values...

What we should have heard before

As time goes by, and as  we research for more information, we find out  that there are many things that  people or even our teachers do not tell us that more than one person or two  were involved in important projects. Also, it is important  to mention that  winners, and men, are the writters of  our  history, and they decide  what they teach kids.  In this case , it is important  to mention  that they decide who is important for us. Nowadays, women become as important as  men, and their actions  become more important  to show and to prove  society that many people, not just men. In this case,  it is important to accept that Grace Hopper made a change  in computer science and in our history.  I consider that   some actions  that  she lived  were not  something that she liked  or that she approved, such as the atomic bomb.  I consider that men and wo...

There are many steps to build something to hold everything.

Nowadays there are many kinds of computers, or wannabe computers, where people do what they need in any place and without the need to be connected to wires.  As this kind of technology has been evolving, the need for creating new programming languages that can help to create whatever we desire of we think that people will use.  Considering that, we cannot just create a programming language, or tell the computer I just want to create a new language that can fullfill these necessities.  But we need to create a whole system that can support the programming language and can change the steps that we are creating to change everything to computer language.  In this case, it is important to mention that the level of the chat that we have heard, is in a higher level, and as computer science students we need to understand the slang and what they are talking about. Anyway, we need to consider that people might not really understand what a GNU  and a GCC are f...

What would you do in a hundred years?

When people normally think about a hundred years they might think that we are living in the jetsons tv show. In this case, we might think that there will be some flying cars and buildings will not be on Warth, but over the sky; robots will help us and that we will have spaceships that will turn to briefcases.  In this case,  what the reading is about, is what will happen in these cases, where we have more than enough processing power than we are supposed to do and what we will do as programmers.  Nowadays, we have been studying how to do the simplest programs, to understand the programming languages,  and as we've been going through the mayor,  we find out new ways to solve them using in a more efficient way our processing. What we have not been considering is that computer processing,  has been evolving and the way we program, the way computer understand us and the necessities that we need to solve. In this case,  we have been evolving from us...

More than machine language

Sometimes programmers see other classes such as Software Architecture, FIS, and Compiler Design as something they need just to complete all the credits for them to graduate. This could generate a problem for teachers due to the fact that they are just focused on passing rather than learning the important stuff on each class. In this case, the reading was about what else we could learn from this class besides the way we can build a compiler ( that we know that it would be so hard that we need to build it). Personally, I consider that these ideas should be something that we apply to classes rather than just learning what we are supposed to. This is due to the fact that Computer Science is an area where there are many things we can do rather than just programming.  As someone who is not really interested in programming, this kind of ideas is important because I think that all classes can give you something else to learn besides the topics we are supposed to learn.  I con...