Sometimes programmers see other classes such as Software Architecture, FIS, and Compiler Design as something they need just to complete all the credits for them to graduate. This could generate a problem for teachers due to the fact that they are just focused on passing rather than learning the important stuff on each class.
In this case, the reading was about what else we could learn from this class besides the way we can build a compiler ( that we know that it would be so hard that we need to build it). Personally, I consider that these ideas should be something that we apply to classes rather than just learning what we are supposed to. This is due to the fact that Computer Science is an area where there are many things we can do rather than just programming.
As someone who is not really interested in programming, this kind of ideas is important because I think that all classes can give you something else to learn besides the topics we are supposed to learn. I consider that these examples, even though that are simple, could be useful because they show the other side and we should see these examples in class because sometimes we could apply them to other areas. A clear example of that is the use of State Machines, where we could use them to understand the way a problem is behaving or even whether to understand what we need to do to get to a point.
I consider that the perspective of the reading was interesting due to the fact that I will not develop fancy things, and that there are many things we have been taught in class that I couldn't understand what other use I could give it to it rather than computer stuff. This idea should be something that teachers could follow to gain the attention of their students and to keep interesting their classes.
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